Our Three-Step Service

Mosquitoes are not only a terrible nuisance but also transmit serious disease such as West Nile and Encephalitis. Venture’s Full Service Mosquito Pest Control Service Package will ensure that both you and your loved ones are protected.
Venture’s three-step Mosquito Service will ensure every effort is made to significantly reduce the mosquito population around your home.
Venture will inspect your property to identify areas of concern and make simple recommendations that will help keep mosquito populations to a minimum. Integrated Pest Management between the client and Venture is essential to a successful mosquito program.
Each month from April through October Venture will use a specialized mister to treat all breeding, nesting, and landing sites. These sites include—but are not limited to—patios, decks, porches, shrubs, bushes, trees, wooded areas, etc.
During the mosquito season, Venture will return each month to ensure all problem areas are effectively treated and inspected. As with all Venture service plans, your property will be under full warranty. Should you experience any mosquito issues between monthly services, Venture will reservice your home for no additional charge.